January 25, 2011

Our Week with The Poem Farm: Monday

Our kids are taking on The Poem Farm's challenge to write seven poems in seven days about one topic.

Observing a Hermit Crab
by Nathaniel, 12

Scuttling down the beach
And up a rock
Into the water
And out again

Up and down the beach
Day ‘til night
Up and down the beach
Day ‘til night

The Fourth of July
by Jessica, 10 and a half

Red, white, and blue
Banners passing through

Laughs and fun
Laughs and fun
All my chores are done

Picnics in grass
Tubas made of brass

Lots and lots of fireworks
Dancing in the sky


Amy L V said...

Nathaniel & Jessica, I am so happy to have you on this journey with me...writing a poem each day (about the same topic) for seven days.

Nathaniel - the repeated rhythms and motions of your hermit crab mimic what I imagine is truly a repetitive life for a hermit crab. I wonder if they think our lives are repetitive?

Jessica - You have written about so many images here from the 4th of July: tubas, laughs, picnics, tubas. What fun you could have expanding any of these on any of the next six days.

Tomorrow I will link to your work so that readers of The Poem Farm can read your poems too!


Anonymous said...

Wow, these poems are great.

Nathaniel - I love the idea of observing a hermit crab and then writing about it. Scuttling -- what a perfect word. You poem feel so soothing to me -- the rhythm is almost like a quiet song. Thanks for writing it and for posting it.


Your poem makes me yearn for warm weather and bar - b -ques. (As I write this, it is snowing madly here in New Jersey!)I really like how you said that the fireworks were dancing in the sky. Just a lovely poem -- thanks.